Friday, January 26, 2024

Music Marketing - Brainstorming

    For our music marketing project, our genre and select song choice was rock and Many Shades of Black by The Ranconteurs. Throughout our initial listening sessions to the song, the group members and I each created a brand identity and the vibes the song and our newly created band would impose onto the world, generally with each revolving around the grunge, darker toned aesthetics of rock. These ties had inspirations in Nirvana's lyricism and styles, and Artic Monkey's influence on target audiences in the modern world.

    Evidently, we also came up with ideas for how to market our band through our prior research to the start of the project based on Apple's music partnership opportunities and how they are applied to social media platforms. For example, album or single covers can be displayed with embedded links on Twitter or Instagram profiles, or use embedded banners that display the songs of the album that additionally include 30 second previews of each song. 

    Finally, we begun to brainstorms some ideas for storyboarding the music video and the things we want to include within our presentation. Some of the most important aspects of the presentation was to fully develop the brand identity, detail how marketing strategies would grow the band and target the desired audiences, and the distribution practices used to make our songs widely available. 

 jokes on you, the project is postponed. I’m working on a novel now.